Caffè San pietro, la chiave del gusto
Our blends are all wood-fire roasted and the result of the perfect marriage of tradition and innovation.
La chiave del blu
Blend: Uganda/Guatemala

Strong, full bodied,
an eruption of taste in the palate.
Our strongest blend for
an explosive waking up!
La chiave del giallo
Blend: Colombia/Brazil/Guatemala
Elegant and creamy,
with fragrances that exalt the delicacy on the palate.
A bland capable of combining taste and smoothness.
The most traditional blend, a travel through time to
guarantee the most typical Italian experience.
La chiave del rosso
Blend: Brazil/Colombia/Honduras
Our first choice!
The finest blend, a sensory experience beyond description,
is beyond compare and is capable of captivating even
the most experienced and finest palates.